Me and My Babies (Ty is in the picture, just not visible yet)

Me and My Babies (Ty is in the picture, just not visible yet)
Me and My Babies (Ty is in this picture too...just not quite ready to see the world yet)

Friday, December 31, 2010

finding my own way

It has been a rough season for this girl. The last several years of my life have been quite trying, to say the least. I was in a dark, dark place but have found a way out. Today I am grateful. I am grateful for life. I am grateful for all the wrongs I did. I am grateful for getting caught. I am grateful for my new support system and new friends I have made on my journey. I am grateful for old friends who are supporting me. I have learned a lot. I have learned who I can and cannot trust. I have learned who my true friends are...these are the people who are not judging me...they support my efforts...they do not try to push or impose their own thoughts/beliefs/opinions on me. They are open minded and listen to me without giving me self-absorbed advice. They are not worried about how they feel or how hurt they are...they are genuinely concerned about my successes. I have also learned who are not such great friends. I have been judged, belittled, and put down. I have been told what a horrible parent I am. Anyway, through it all I have also learned how to forgive others and forgive myself. I have learned how to talk from my heart and not just say what others want to hear. I have learned that I have some big decisions to make and most of them I'm making on my own. I have a clear mind, I have new found courage and strength. I rely on my support system, my faith, my relationship with God, and myself. Sometimes in life we have to go out on a limb...sometimes by do what we know is right and healthy. All my life I have been pleasing other people, doing what everyone else told me was right, at any cost to myself and/or my family. Now, I am taking care of me and my kiddos. We are who counts. I am grateful...Today I can honestly say that I am ok.


  1. Jamie, you are a wonderful person...We all have made mistakes, been judged, done some judging ourselves and we are all not perfect, but recognizing our own faults and wanting to become better makes us stronger and a better person...Keep looking toward your family, friends and of course God each and everyday. Each day will get better and you will see more of the light that lays ahead. Remember that I am here for you. Stay positive:)

  2. Thanks Jess...You have been a great friend. You don't pass judgement, you listen and do not give advice, but share where you've been instead. You genuinely care about me and my situation, not how it effects you. Thanks a million...we need to talk again soon.
